Install ORCA 5.0.4 on Gentoo

Note: This guide describes how to install ORCA 5.0.4 on a Gentoo Linux system. This process involves installing OpenMPI with the Fortran use flag enabled and configuring ORCA for use.

Reference: This guide is inspired by Zhe Wang's original installation instruction...

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How to Set Up a Netgear R6220 with OpenWrt as a Network Bridge


A well-extended home network is essential for today’s connected lifestyle, but physical and wireless obstacles can complicate things. Setting up a network bridge with a Netgear R6220 router running OpenWrt is an efficien...

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Customizing Your Keyboard with xmodmap on Linux

For Linux enthusiasts and users of vintage hardware alike, the flexibility of the Linux operating system is one of its greatest strengths. This is particularly true when it comes to customizing hardware settings to better suit your needs. A prime exa...

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Reviving My iBook G4: A Tale of Upgrading from CCFL to LED Backlight

In a quest to enhance my iBook G4's display, I embarked on an adventurous upgrade from the old CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp) backlight to a modern LED one. This project, inspired by Brian's Computer Retreat, was set to t...

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Making Wiz Bulbs Work Reliably with Alexa Integration

In our modern, technology-centric home, the Amazon Echo isn't just a gadget; it's an integral part of our daily lives. We use it for everything from setting alarms to controlling our home's smart devices. So, imagine my excitement when I disc...

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Socket 2011-1 vs 2011-3 in Intel's Haswell-EX and Haswell-EP

In the realm of computer technology, differentiating between Intel's Socket 2011-1 and Socket 2011-3 is essential for understanding their use in various computing environments. Socket 2011-1, designed for the Intel Xeon E7 v2 (Ivy Bridge...

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Enabling Mouse Click Emulation on iBook G4: A Step-by-Step Guide

Apple's iBook G4 is a testament to the tech giant's legacy in combining elegance with functionality. But as time marches on, the single-button mouse design of the iBook G4, once a hallmark of Apple's simplicity, can pose a challeng...

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My Mobile Photography Workflow: From DSLR to Android

As a photographer in the digital age, I've found that the convenience of mobile technology has dramatically improved my photography workflow. In this blog post, I'll share my unique process of capturing high-quality images with my Canon 5D Mark...

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Saving a Ficus religiosa (Pappelfeige) Cutting from Scale Insect Infestation

During a recent visit to my parents' house, I noticed that their Ficus religiosa, also known as the sacred fig or pappelfeige, was under siege by a severe scale insect infestation. The plant was covered in these uninvited...

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Audio on the powerbook6,5 running Gentoo

Previously I have described, how to install Gentoo onto the iBook G4 (powerbook6,5). As you may have noticed, this did not include anything about audio capabilities. This has one simple reason - the kernel has to patched to get support. I have tried to subm...

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Arctic Fox is a rare Firefox fork that is actively maintained for PowerPC Macs. It is a derivative of PaleMoon, originally maintained by wicknix, but now under the purview of rmotolla.


To install ArcticFox on Gentoo, certain dependencies must be installed beforehand. Th...

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Gentoo on iBook G4 (Powerbook6,5)


Since Void Linux for PPC has been discontinued, I decided to install Gentoo on my iBook since it's the only Linux distribution that supports this architecture. Although I failed several times during the installation process, I eventually managed to...

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Agassiz's dwarf cichlid (Apistogramma agassizii)

Last weekend I added a new type of fish to my aquarium - the Agassiz's dwarf cichlid.

Agassiz's dwarf cichlids are native to the Amazon River Basin in South America, specifically in Brazil, Peru, and Colombia. They are typically found in slow-movi...

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Installing Coqui TTS with CUDA on Windows

For my next project I have been trying to install Coqui-AI Text-to-Speech (TTS) on windows. Coqui-AI is an open-source project focused on developing speech technologies and applications that are accessible, affordable, and community-driven. The project p...

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Installing Joplin-terminal on termux

I have been using Joplin, which is a free, open-source note-taking and to-do app, to make notes for quite some time now. Joplin allows users to organize their notes into notebooks and sub-notebooks, tag notes with keywords, and search for notes using full-text...

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Installing octoprint on an OpenWRT router

I have been using octoprint, a free and open-source web-based software that allows you to remotely control and monitor 3D printers, on my iBook G4. However, this did not seem too practical to me to have a large laptop next to my 3D printer, which sole purp...

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Strasbourg has a very beautiful city center

Last weekend I traveled to Strasbourg and I have enjoyed it a lot. We were walking through the city center and had Flammkuchen with white wine for lunch. Flammkuchen is a traditional dish from the Alsace region and is a type of pizza that is made with a...

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microPortable released

I have been using micro on windows and linux for quite some time now and have been really enjoying it. To make this editor portable with its plugins and settings I created this PortableApps.com wrapper over at github. The installer should be updated automatically.

micro logo...

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Reverting OpenWRT from snapshots to release

I had a Totolink A3 that I accidently flashed with the snapshot firmware. Reverting back was fairly simple.

First I needed to download the release sysupgrade file. Then I was able to transfer this file into the router using scp. For this I have connec...

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Converting Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 300mm f4 to Canon EF

I bought the Auto Mamiya-Sekor CS 300mm f4 for cheap on a flea market, but did not have a Mamiya NC1000 camera. This is why I attempted to convert this lens to Canon EF mount using my 3D printer as the flange distance doesn't differ too much fro...

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Raiding Sylt with 5,0 beer and the 9€-Ticket

After lots of posts on social media, my wife and I decided to make a short trip for one day to the german island Sylt using the 9-€-ticket. This time I decided to take the Canon 5D Mark III and the Carl Zeiss Tessar 2.8/50 and the Carl Zeiss Super-Dynar...

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Making the Markdown editor Abricotine portable

As I increasingly want to work with Markdown whenever I can, I was looking for a reliable editor for this. I have been working with Typora before, but unfortunately, it left its beta version status, such that it is not free to use anymore. This is why...

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Our rose flower is blooming again

Similarly to last year, our precious rose flower is blooming again. Unfortunately, it is only a single one. However, this one is huge in size. It is the Gloria Dei variety, which my wife and I have first seen on a vacation in the rose garden in Bamberg, Germany.


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Installing OctoPrint on Void Linux

To get my 3D Printer running, I had to install OctoPrint onto my iBook G4. Most of the commands are adapted from here.

# Dependencies
sudo xbps-install python3-devel
# Login as root
sudo su
# create the new user
useradd -m -G dialout,tty -s /bin/bash pi

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Installing Void Linux on the iBook G4

After not having luck with Adélie Linux, I gave Void Linux a shot. And it worked flawlessly. I was amazed how well the documentation of this distribution was written. To get started, I downloaded the void-live-ppc-20210825-xfce.iso found here and wrote t...

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Trying to install Adélie Linux on iBook G4

Today I am trying to install Adélie Linux on my old iBook G4 that I have previously installed OpenBSD onto.

I used this iBook primarily with Octoprint, which I have ported as well. However, this turned out to not being upgradable, as many of the pytho...

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First Post


This is the first post I am trying to post manually by just writing a Markdown file.

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