Customizing Your Keyboard with xmodmap on Linux

For Linux enthusiasts and users of vintage hardware alike, the flexibility of the Linux operating system is one of its greatest strengths. This is particularly true when it comes to customizing hardware settings to better suit your needs. A prime example of this flexibility can be seen in the use of xmodmap, a utility for reassigning key functions on your keyboard. This guide is especially handy for those with unique hardware configurations, such as the Apple PowerBook G4, which notably lacks a Right Alt (AltGr) key, a common staple for accessing alternate characters on many keyboards.

Why xmodmap?

xmodmap stands out for its simplicity and power in customizing keyboard layouts. Whether you're looking to make your keyboard more ergonomic, revive unused keys, or simply tailor your layout for convenience, xmodmap has you covered.

The Case of the Missing AltGr

One peculiar aspect of the Apple PowerBook G4 is its absence of an AltGr key. This can pose a challenge for users needing to type special characters that typically require AltGr. However, with xmodmap, you can repurpose another key to function as AltGr, effectively solving this problem.

Identifying Keycodes and Keysyms

Before remapping keys, it's essential to understand your current keyboard layout in terms of keycodes (the numerical representation of a key) and keysyms (the function or symbol assigned to a key).

  1. Launch a terminal and use xmodmap -pk to display the current keymap table, showing both keycodes and their corresponding keysyms.
  2. Scan the output to find the key you're interested in remapping. For the PowerBook G4, you might consider the right Command key due to the absence of a right Alt/AltGr key.

Remapping Keys with xmodmap

Suppose you want to remap the right Command key to serve as AltGr. Here's how to do it:

  1. Identify the keycode for the right Command key. On the PowerBook G4, this is typically keycode 133.

  2. Create or modify your .Xmodmap file in your home directory:

    nano ~/.Xmodmap
  3. Add a remapping entry for the keycode. To repurpose the right Command key (keycode 133) as AltGr, enter:

    keycode 133 = ISO_Level3_Shift
  4. Save and exit the editor.

Applying and Testing Your Custom Keymap

  • Apply your changes by executing:

    xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
  • Test the remapped key to ensure it now acts as AltGr, allowing you to access the alternate characters as intended.

Making Your Customization Permanent

To avoid having to reapply these settings with every session:

  • For XFCE users: Go to Settings > Session and Startup > Application Autostart, and add a new entry with the command xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap.


Through the use of xmodmap, you can effectively overcome hardware limitations, such as the missing AltGr key on the PowerBook G4, by remapping keys to suit your typing needs. This guide not only helps you navigate the specifics of customizing key functions but also opens up a world of possibilities for personalizing your Linux experience. Happy typing!

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